Voice care British Voice Association
Hoarse voice ENTUK.org
Laryngectomy care The National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs
Voice rest after voicebox surgery Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust
Voice box surgery using long instruments (Microlaryngoscopy) ENTUK.org
Voice box surgery using a laser (Transoral laser surgery or TOLS) Hull University Teaching Hosptials NHS Trust
Throat, voice box and upper gullet surgery using a robot (Transoral robotic surgery or TORS) ENTUK.org
Surgery to remove the voice box (Laryngectomy) The National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs
Procedure videos – *Please be advised that these videos contain graphic footage of surgery*
Voice box surgery using long instruments (Microlaryngoscopy) Mayo Clinic
Where is this information from?

The British Voice Association (BVA) “is the ‘voice for voice’ in the UK, an association of multi-disciplinary professionals who work to promote the field of voice in its broadest sense. It is devoted to people with voice problems, ranging from severe pathology and cancer to subtle difficulties of artistic performance, all of whom are entitled to the best care available.”

ENTUK.org: “ENT UK is the professional membership body representing ear, nose and throat surgery and head, neck and thyroid surgery in the UK.” Its members include over 2300 ENT health professionals. Their patient information leaflets linked above are written and reviewed by named specialist consultant ENT surgeons.

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust “run Torbay Hospital (providing acute hospital services) as well as five community hospitals, stretching from Dawlish to Brixham. We support around 500,000 face-to-face contacts with patients in their homes and communities each year and see over 78,000 people in our A&E department annually. We serve a resident population of approximately 286,000 people, plus about 100,000 visitors at any one time during the summer holiday season.”

The National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs “is a registered charity No: 273635 and relies on public donations for the funds necessary to pursue its objectives. Today NALC has around 68 clubs and offers a range of services to laryngectomees, their families and their carers. An important role of the clubs is to provide the sort of non-medical help and information that can only come from experience of living as a larynegctomee.”

Hull University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust: “Our vision is Great Staff, Great Care, Great Future, as we believe that by developing an innovative, skilled and caring workforce, we can deliver great care to our patients and a great future for our employees, our Trust and our community. We operate from two main hospital sites: Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital but we also have a number of additional services based across Hull. We employ around 11,000 staff and welcome around one million patients through our doors every year”

“Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of “the needs of the patient come first.” Our headquarters are located in Rochester, MN, while we have campuses in Florida and Arizona.”