Tracheostomy care NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Surgery to allow breathing through the front of the neck (Tracheostomy) Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Procedure videos *Please be advised that these videos contain graphic footage of surgery*
Tracheostomy Mayo clinic
Where is this information from?

(F) “NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde provides strategic leadership and performance management for the entire local NHS system in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area and ensures that services are delivered effectively and efficiently. NHSGGC serves a population of 1.2 million and employs 44,000 staff – it is the largest NHS organisation in Scotland and one of the largest in the UK.”

“Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) is a world renowned centre of clinical excellence and one of the largest NHS teaching trusts in the UK. We became a Foundation Trust on 1 October 2015 and believe that this will enable us to work more effectively in partnership with our patients and our local community to provide high quality healthcare.”

“Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of “the needs of the patient come first.” Our headquarters are located in Rochester, MN, while we have campuses in Florida and Arizona.”